What we see in the book of Acts is not only a record of what the apostles and disciples did after the Lord left but the continuation of Christ, Jesus living again in the many members of His Body for His corporate expression. Today we are in “Acts chapter 29”, in one of the many […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Apostle Paul as one who Lived Christ for His Magnification
Experiencing God at Shechem (knowing God), Bethel (house of God), and Hebron (fellowship)

God appeared to Abraham and called him out of his land and out of his house to a land that He would give to him and to his seed after him. If we read the record in the book of Genesis, we see that Abraham sojourned in the land of Canaan, having God’s appearing and […]
having a consciousness of the Body of Christ – all the members of the Body have the life of the Body!
This week we are coming to another item on the central line of the Divine Revelation in the Bible – the Body of Christ; more specifically, we are getting into, The Consciousness of the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are not individualistic people living our own life by ourselves; rather, the divine […]
to the only wise God through Jesus Christ – to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!
The book of Romans ends in a glorious way – with the verse in Rom. 16:27, which says, To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Wow, what a conclusion! Though the book of Romans gives a general discussion on the Christian life, the conclusion of […]
what price are you willing to pay in order to get the unsearchable riches of Christ?
The word I heard this past weekend was hard, heartbreaking, but it was exactly what I needed. Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect care for us. The conference this weekend in Leiden was on Being Saved in Life by Reigning in Life for the Body Life. The last messages was on Joseph’s reigning in life […]
Seeing Ourselves as Members of the Body
Paul says in Romans 12:5 that we are “members one of another” in the Body. We are certainly familiar with this phrase, and with the principle that Paul sets also forth in his letter of love to the church in Corinth. However the situation was in Corinth, with many distractions, difficulties and even damaging aspects […]
the key is reigning in life by being under the ruling of the divine life within
Many times we read portions of the New / Old Testament and we say, just like most of the rest of the people, I can never do this – it is impossible! Or even if we don’t say it, we at least think this – and we know that, at least for a long term […]