The Body builds itself up in love as the joints are supplying and each part is functioning in their measure. The joints supplying and the parts functioning in their measure cause the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love; when the joints of rich supply function and each one […]
The Body Builds itself up in Love as the Joints are Supplying and Each Part is Functioning
Bear one another in Love, Hold to Truth in Love, and Walk in Love – God as our Love

Ephesians 4 reveals that we need to bear one another in love, hold to truth in love, and walk in love; this is to love the Lord in incorruptibility. The love with which we love the Lord and we love one another is not our natural love, our human love, but it is God […]
Function in the Body for the Growth of the Body unto the Building up of itself in Love

How we need to function in the Body for the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love! As we grow up into the Head in life, our function will come out from the Head for the building up of the Body; the building up of the Body of Christ under […]
The Increase of Christ in us is for the Building up of the Body of Christ in Love

What the Lord is after today is not individual Christians who are spiritual and can express God – He desires to gain the Body of Christ, and the unique work Christ is doing is the building up of the Body for God to have a corporate expression in man. Christ Himself is the unique Head […]