God judged and condemned Satan through Christ’s living and His work on the cross, but it is only when the man-child is raptured to the throne of God that Satan is judged and cast down with his angels, and God’s kingdom is manifested. Hallelujah! Satan was Lucifer before he rebelled, and he was the head […]
Heaven is Waiting for the Man-child to Arrive to Cast Satan Down and Bring in the Kingdom
Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony, and Not Loving our Soul-life

Hallelujah, we can overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by not loving our soul-life even unto death! The man-child consists of the overcomers who stand on behalf of the church, taking the position that the whole church should take, and do the work of the church; the […]
The Fourfold Effectiveness of the Precious Blood of Christ as the Sin Offering

Hallelujah for the blood of Christ as the sin offering, which satisfies God, is our standing in prayer, brings us into God’s presence, is effective for our redemption, and constantly flows to cleanse us from every sin! Praise the Lord for the precious blood of Christ as the sin offering which is eternally effective! If […]
Having a life of the two altars, and how the altar of burnt offering and incense are connected
In the tabernacle there were two altars, the altar in the outer court, the bronze altar for burnt offering, and the other in the Holy Place, the golden altar for burning the incense. At the first altar all the negative things and problems are dealt with, and at the second altar we fellowship with God […]
Having a Deeper Appreciation for the Blood of Christ, the Blood of the Covenant

This week in our morning watch with the Lord we are enjoying the more intrinsic meaning of, The Blood of the Covenant. Both Moses and the Lord Jesus, when they enacted the old and the new covenant respectively, they used this expression. We need to see what the blood of the covenant is, and we […]
God Intends for us to Remember Christ’s Redemption in a Specific and Detailed Way

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of the Passover as seen in the book of Exodus. Most believers know that Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), and their understanding and appreciation of the Passover is limited to this aspect. However, […]
Gird Your Loins with Truth and Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness (Eph. 6:14)

Eph. 6:14 says, Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness. After we are being empowered by God with the might of His strength (Eph. 6:10-11), we need to realize that our wrestling is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, the authorities, the world-rulers […]