it is very good to exercise our spirit – we are God-men! (2011 winter school of truth)

Most of the time we find it hard to turn our spirit because the soul takes the lead as our life and person, and the body and spirit become the organs who follow the lead of our soul. But we should live by allowing the spirit to take the lead in everything we do and be our life and person – and we use our soul and body as the organs following the lead of our spirit! [continue reading online a sharing from a young brother who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]

God’s judgement passes over us when we are under the blood of Christ!(2011 Poland camp)

Praise the Lord for this wonderful week in Poland at the 2011 European young people’s conference! The messages were so strong and direct at the same time, but they were meant to awaken young people and make them realize that they need to get out of Egypt – get out of the world! I especially enjoyed […]

by the blood of Christ we are redeemed, forgiven, and we enjoy God in the Holy of Holies!

Hallelujah for the precious blood of the Lamb! This morning I was filled with appreciation for the blood of Jesus Christ – an eternal blood (since He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit), an efficacious blood, a prevailing blood, and a speaking blood! His blood speaks more than the blood of Abel (which spoke […]

the blood of Christ is for our redemption and His flesh/His life is for our life supply!

In the Old Testament we have the type of the people of Israel being delivered out of Egypt (Exo. 12) – before God delivered them, they received specific instructions regarding how to prepare the Passover lamb. They had to kill the lamb and put the blood on the door posts and then they had to […]

God set forth Christ as a propitiation place, here we meet with God in peace

This week we’re enjoying Christ as the propitiation place – one of the many truths in the Bible that has not been yet fully discovered & enjoyed by the Lord’s people. In Romans 3:24-25 it says: Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as […]