Hallelujah for the blood of Christ as the sin offering, which satisfies God, is our standing in prayer, brings us into God’s presence, is effective for our redemption, and constantly flows to cleanse us from every sin! Praise the Lord for the precious blood of Christ as the sin offering which is eternally effective! If […]
The Fourfold Effectiveness of the Precious Blood of Christ as the Sin Offering
Our Aaronic High Priest Removed Sin and our Kingly High Priest Ministers God into us

The book of Hebrews is on the priesthood in its three aspects: the Aaronic priesthood (Christ offered Himself to God as the unique sacrifice for our sins), the kingly priesthood (Christ as our kingly High Priest ministers God into us), and the divine priesthood (Christ is saving us to the uttermost). Christ is the High […]
The Blood of the Covenant Enables us to Serve God with the Divine Fire Indwelling us

We praise and thank the Lord for giving us the blood of the covenant to enable us to serve the living God, and we want to allow the fire that comes from God to burn in us and on us in our service to Him. Without the blood of Christ freshly applied to our being, […]
We Serve God in Worship by Preaching the Gospel of God’s Son in our Mingled Spirit

All the requirements related to the believers – as revealed in the New Testament – are met by Christ living in us; in order for us to live the Christian life and serve God in our spirit in the gospel of His Son, we need to daily receive the divine supply. There is no way […]
Our Experience of Christ rests on the Unshakable Foundation of God’s Righteousness

God is love; He loves man, He wants to gain man, and He wants to save man, but at the same time God is righteous, and according to His righteousness He cannot receive us or save us unless the requirements of His righteousness are met. The foundation of our salvation is not God’s love of […]
Receiving and Dispensing Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

We thank and praise the Lord for saving us through His grace; even while we were sinners He showed us mercy and grace, and when we heard the gospel, faith was generated into us and we believed into the wonderful person of Christ, who is so full of grace and reality. Now our Christian life […]
The Altar of Burnt Offering Typifies the Cross of Christ, the Base of All Spiritual Experience

One of the largest pieces of furnishing in the tabernacle is the altar of burnt offering, which typifies the cross of Christ. In the tabernacle there were two altars: the altar of burnt offering in the outer court and the incense altar in the Holy of Holies. These two altars are for the carrying out […]