We as believers in Christ can today enjoy the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ, the promised blessing of Abraham. Hallelujah! The Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land for us to enjoy and partake of, and we can daily partake of the bountiful supply of […]
The Spirit is the Realization of the All-inclusive Christ, the Promised Blessing
As the Corporate Seed of Abraham, we must Walk in the Steps of that Faith as our father

Christ is the seed of Abraham, the son of Abraham, and because we’re in Christ and Christ is in us, we believers in Christ are the corporate seed of Abraham enjoying the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit as our portion and walking in the steps of our father Abraham! Amen! This week we […]
Our Christian Life is a Life of Receiving the All-inclusive Spirit through Faith

Today our Christian life as believers in Christ is a life of receiving the Spirit through faith; our spiritual blessing for eternity is to inherit the Spirit, the consummation of the processed Triune God as our inheritance. Praise the Lord! God promised Abraham two things: a seed (in whom all the nations will be blessed) […]
Christ in His Humanity is the Seed of Abraham for us to Enjoy God’s Promised Blessing

How amazing it is to realize that in His humanity as the seed of Abraham, Christ was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may enjoy God’s promised blessing! Hallelujah! In Galatians the Apostle Paul skilfully and wonderfully brought in these […]
Enjoying and Witnessing the All-inclusive Christ as the Author of Life and God’s Servant

The Christ we witness for His propagation is the all-inclusive Christ, and this One is the Author of life, the holy and righteous One, and the Servant of God. How do we witness Christ? On one hand we witness Him by our living, by living Christ, living by the Spirit. But this is not all. […]
God is a God of Blessing, and He Himself as the Spirit is the Unique Blessing of God

Our God is the God of blessing, and He is the blessing God. Hidden in Ezekiel 34 there’s something beautiful, a gem: our God is a God of blessing, and He is a blessing God! In Christianity and in the world this matter of blessing is very much misunderstood and misused, and some even use […]
God’s Covenant with Abraham: Receiving the Life-Giving Spirit as the God’s Blessing

Our God is a covenanting God, and we are His covenanted people. Even though man fell, God came in to preach the gospel and promised that the seed of the woman will destroy the serpent; this seed of the woman is Christ and also the man-child, the overcomers. This covenant God made with Adam was […]