As believers in Christ, we live not by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out from the mouth of God; when we’re pray-reading the word of God to inhale the breath of God, for all Scripture is God-breathed. Hallelujah! And the word of God is not far from us; God is not merely up […]
Breathing in the Breathed out Word of God by Pray-reading the Word to enjoy Christ
Prophesying by Speaking forth God’s Word to Fulfill His Desire and Build up the Church

In Ezekiel 37 we see not only our condition when we’re fallen or backslidden (“dry bones”) but also God’s solution: prophesying, that is, the need to prophesy by speaking for the Lord so that the Spirit would come in and enliven us! On the one hand, the many dry, disjointed, very dry, separated bones in […]
what the Bible is to us depends on our attitude toward the Bible as God’s word

What is the Bible to you? What is the law of God to you when you read it? This morning I was very much helped to realize that what the Bible is to us depends on our attitude toward the Bible. Putting aside “coming to the Bible out of curiosity”, we have two main attitudes […]
sharing from the winter school of truth – the Bible is God’s personal letter to us!
To be honest, the Winter School of Truth is a very crucial time in which we all can come back to the Lord in His Word and enjoy Him, be constituted with Him, and even renew our consecration to Him. Every year we can just stop from any of the outward doings, any activities, and […]
enjoyment from the Winter School of Truth – the five main functions of the Bible
Every year towards the end we set aside a week to come together and get into the truth – we want to pursue the Lord together. It is such a great opportunity for saints and young ones from everywhere to get together and enter into the Word together, pray-read, enjoy the Lord, and be blended […]