As those who love the Lord and practice living in His presence daily, we realize that He is our Husband and we are His bride, His wife; as such, we should not forget our Husband but rather, seek the Lord’s counsel and check with Him concerning everything. This is an important lesson to learn, and […]
As believers and Lovers of Christ, we need to Seek the Counsel of Jehovah in all Things
As the Counterpart of Christ, we need to be Romantic Christians Loving the Lord

The relationship that God wants to have with man is of love, and the Bible is a book of romance, for God created us not only to be in His image and with His likeness but that we would become the counterpart of Christ. In the Old Testament in particular we see that God came […]
In a Pure and Holy Sense, the Bible is a Romance: God has a Love Relationship with us

If we were to enter into the deep thought of the Bible, we will realise that the Bible is a romance, in a most pure and holy sense, with God as the male and we as His people as the female, for us to enter into marriage together. In our Crystallisation-study of the book of […]
Seeing how the Entire Bible is a Divine Romance and Giving Ourselves to Love the Lord

“The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them.” – this is what the Bible is all about. Beginning from Genesis 2 where we see that God says, It is not good for man to be alone (and by this He referred to Himself, […]
the Bible is a romance: God really loves us and He is continually courting us

The entire Bible is a divine romance, showing us that throughout the centuries God loved man and had a romance with man. From Genesis to Revelation we see a love story of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them! In the Old Testament the people of Israel were not only the people […]