The Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom is the joy set before us; for us to meet Him as His beautiful bride, there is the need for the beauty of the bride – we need to have Christ wrought into us to be expressed through us, for our beauty is the shining out of […]
Becoming the Lord’s Beautiful Bride by the Washing in the Word to Express Christ
Hearing the Lord’s Speaking and having the Embroidered Garment for our Wedding Day

After praising Christ the King in His fairness, victory, kingdom, and virtues, the psalmist praises Christ the King in praising the queen, who is a type of the church, the wife of Christ, as revealed in the Epistles (see Psa. 45:9-15). This psalm – Psa. 45 – is the highest and greatest of all the psalms; it […]
The Beauty of the Bride is the Shining out of the Christ wrought into us Daily

What the Lord is after today is obtaining a beautiful bride, without spots or wrinkles or any such thing, which can be presented to Himself as the Bridegroom; the beauty of the bride is the expression of Christ in us, the shining our of Christ from within us. Our natural man and living in the natural […]
we are becoming the beautiful bride of Christ for Him to be satisfied!

The more we know the direction of the Lord’s move today the more we will see that there’s a connection between salvation in life and the preparation of the Bride. The direction of the Lord’s move is to build up the Body for the preparation of the Bride that He may bring in His kingdom. […]