As we live the last days toward the end of this age, we need to see a vision of Christ in His ascension and enthronement; Christ as the worthy Lion-Lamb is the center of God’s administration according to God’s eternal economy, and He is saving us to the uttermost to bring us with Him on […]
Seeing the Enthroned Christ as the Worthy Lion-Lamb Executing God’s Administration
In His Ascension the Victorious Christ Led Captives as Sons of God in the Heavenlies

In His ascension the victorious Christ led captive those taken captive, and He led a train of captives to the height. This is very wonderful yet so mysterious. Christ fought the spiritual warfare since His incarnation through His human living, His death, and His resurrection, and now even in His ascension He still fights the […]
God Exalted Christ in His Ascension and made Him Lord of All, the Christ, and the Leader

In the book of Acts we see a resurrected and ascended Christ who is in the heavens, who is now being propagated by the disciples to produce the church as the kingdom of God; in His ascension Christ was exalted by God and made Lord of all, the Christ, the Leader, and the Savior. Acts […]
Turning to our Spirit and Calling on the Name of the Lord to Seek the Things Above

In order for us to seek the things which are above and set our mind on them (Col. 3:1-2) we need to be those turning to our spirit by calling on the name of the Lord, and we need to experience the dividing of the soul from the spirit (Heb. 4:12). The three parts of […]
God made Jesus in His Ascension both Lord and Christ to Carry out God’s Economy

According to Acts 2:36, God has made Jesus in His ascension both Lord and Christ – He is the Lord of all to possess all, and He is the Christ, God’s anointed One, to carry out God’s commission. These are two of the many statuses and functions He has now in His ascension. We may […]
Being in Ascension with Christ and Seeking the Things related to the Ascended Christ

God didn’t only save us from the position of death but He also seated us with Christ in the heavenlies; when we believed into Christ, we were seated with Him in the highest place in the universe, and here we can and should set our mind on the things above, the things that relate to […]
The Expiation Silver: we Fight one with Christ and in the Ascended Christ in Victory

It is very enlightening to see the spiritual relationship between the incense altar (where we pray one with the interceding Christ for God’s move and His interest on earth) and the expiation silver (which is offered by those who are matured in life and strong in spirit to be formed as an army). At the […]