Just as the Ark was the center and content of the tabernacle, so Christ is the center and content of the church; for us to enter into the reality of the Body of Christ, we must see the intrinsic significance of the Ark. This week in our HWMR on the Crystallization-study of 1 & […]
The Church is the Tabernacle of God and Christ is the Center and Content of the Church
Ten Major Items on how to Possess the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land

Hallelujah, we can possess the all-inclusive Christ as typified by the good land! This week in our morning revival we come back to the Crystallization-Study of Numbers, the second part, and our focus is, A vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His chosen […]
The Meaning of our Life is for God to Enter into us and be Expressed Through us

The central thought of the book of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God’s people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting. Hallelujah, Christ is the meaning of life for God’s people! Before we go on to see the need for […]
As the Divine Life Grows in us, the Law of Life Shapes us to the Image of Christ

After the second veil in the tabernacle is the Holy of Holies, in which there was the ark of the covenant (covered in gold on the inside and the outside), in which were the golden pot (that had the manna) and Aaron’s rod (that budded) and the tablets of the covenant (see Heb. 9:3-4). The […]
The Budding Rod: We are not Able, but what is Impossible with Man is Possible with God

It is so wonderful to be on a divine and mystical tour of the tabernacle with all its furnishings, especially the ark of the testimony! The ark is not merely something that God ordained to be made and put in the Holy of Holies but it is a type of how we can experience Christ […]
The Hidden Manna is the Christ we Enjoy in God’s Presence with No Distance Between us

The ark of the testimony in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle is full of meaning and significance in our spiritual experience, showing us that we should enjoy Christ as the embodiment of God and the presence of the Triune God so that we may carry out His economy to establish His kingdom on […]
The Move of Christ by Men Bearing God’s Testimony by the Spirit through the Cross

When God gave Moses the pattern of the tabernacle with all its furnishings on the mountain, He was very detailed and precise. On the one hand, when we read Exo. 25 we see a picture of the ark of the testimony – and we even may be able to draw a sketch of the ark; […]