The holding factor of our one accord is the apostles’ teaching; once we continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles, we will be kept in one accord for the Lord’s move and purpose on earth. The landmark between the gospels and the book of Acts with the Epistles is not merely the […]
Continue Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching, the Holding Factor of the One Accord
Discerning the Different Teachings and Continuing Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching

Besides the unique teaching of God’s New Testament economy, which is the teaching of the apostles, there are “different teachings”, teachings that are different, and there are winds of teaching which are used by Satan to distract us from the enjoyment of Christ and frustrate the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul wrote […]
Hold to the Faithful Word according to the Apostles’ Teaching and Speak the Healthy Teaching

We need to be those who are holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles; as we hold to the faithful word of the apostles’ teaching, we reject any different teachings and speak only God’s economy for the building up of the church. What is the apostles’ teaching and […]
We War the Good Warfare by Speaking God’s Economy, being Infused with God through His Word

A proper Christian life and service involve fighting the good fight against Satan and his kingdom of darkness and for the interests of God’s kingdom; we need to war the good warfare by teaching and preaching God’s economy concerning the church, and we also need to minister Christ to others by first taking Him in […]
Our Lord is a Lord of Completion, and we’re under the Completing Ministry in His Word

To the church in Sardis the Lord says that He found none of their works completed before His God (Rev. 3:2); none of the works of the reformed Protestant churches are completed before God, but He is a Lord of completion, and He requires completion (Phil. 1:6). The One who has the seven Spirits of […]
The Proper Church is the Body of Christ Teaching the Mysteries of God’s Economy

If we love the Lord and seek Him in His word we need to realize that, according to the divine revelation in the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church is the apostate church which teaches the deep things of Satan, for Satan’s concept and deep thought has saturated the apostate church. We need to see this […]