The Bible doesn’t leave us in the dark regarding the Lord’s second coming; rather, there are many signs of the end of times, signs that will take place toward the end of the age to show us that the Lord’s coming is imminent. The first and most important of these signs is the preaching of […]
Seeing the Signs of the Lord’s Second Coming and are Preparing ourselves for His Return
Experiencing the Anointing by Knowing Christ, and the Principle of Antichrist – Young Adults Truth Series 6

This is a very good sharing on the topic of, Experiencing the Anointing by Knowing Christ, and the Principle of Antichrist – Young Adults Truth Series #6, via the UniStudents Youtube Channel here. We recommend that you subscribe to this youtube channel and participate in the zoom / virtual meetings that are focused on truth, […]
The Lord’s Recovery must Spread to Europe and be Rooted here before the Coming of Antichrist

If we have the proper view and see things with God’s eyes, the way He sees things, we will realize the world situation is the indicator of the Lord’s move on earth. Events don’t just happen, countries don’t just change their regime, presidents don’t just get elected, and wars don’t just take place; rather, God […]
Seeing how the World Situation is the Indicator of the Lord’s Move on Earth

In serving the Lord we all need to be perfected by Him so that we may serve Him in an intrinsic way according to His desire. We need to realize that today in Christianity there are many who think they are “serving God” but they do not have a proper knowledge or experience of the […]
Antichrist, the Mystery of Lawlessness, and what our Attitude Should Be Today

The world situation has always been an indicator of the Lord’s move on the earth, and God moves in a specific way in every age. Today there’s a mystery of lawlessness operating among men, and there’s something restraining it…. Among human society today there’s the mystery of lawlessness operating, and this lawlessness will culminate in […]
The Vision of the Seventy Weeks in Daniel 9 and Its Proper Interpretation

The most precious portion in the book of Daniel is in chapter 9:24-27, where we see God’s response to Daniel’s interceding and supplicating for the people of Israel. God revealed to Daniel the entire future history of the people of Israel, all encapsulated in the vision of the seventy weeks. Throughout history, there have been many who […]
Being Clear about the Age We are in Today: Human Government is About to End!

We need to be clear what age we live in today. In the history class as we grew up we might have been taught about many empires and many peoples, but in God’s eyes there are only four empires that represent the entire human government throughout history. These four empires are the Babylonian empire, the […]