In the tabernacle there were two altars, the altar in the outer court, the bronze altar for burnt offering, and the other in the Holy Place, the golden altar for burning the incense. At the first altar all the negative things and problems are dealt with, and at the second altar we fellowship with God […]
Having a life of the two altars, and how the altar of burnt offering and incense are connected
The Significance of the Stone, the Pillar, the House of God, and the Oil in Gen. 28

The dream that Jacob had in Genesis 28 is the most crucial point in the whole book of Genesis and the most crucial word in the revelation of God. Jacob, a supplanter who ran away from his parents house for fear of his brother whose birthright and firstborn blessing he stole, was wandering in the […]
You spread a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over
Psa. 23:5 is the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ, where the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries and He anoints our head with oil, our cup runs over! What a rich portion! What a rich Christ! Right after our passing through the […]
The function of the compound Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!
We have seen what the ingredients and the components of the holy anointing ointment are – the only God with divinity, the Triune God(the Father, the Son, and the Spirit), man(the creature of God), the precious death of Christ, the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death, the precious resurrection of Christ, the power of Christ’s […]
the precious death of Christ and the sweetness & effectiveness of His death are in the Compound Spirit!
Christ as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit today is the compound Spirit – He has been “compounded” with all the elements He picked up in the process He went through. In Exodus 30:23-25 we see that there was an anointing oil being compounded according to the work of a compounder – a holy anointing oil which […]