The New Jerusalem is the totality of the overcomers, and today we want to be the earlier overcomers, those who have highways to Zion in our heart, love the Lord more than our self, and live out the reality of the Body of Christ. These past few weeks we have been enjoying the matter of […]
The Earlier Overcomers have Highways to Zion in their Heart and Bring the Lord Back
Taking Refuge at the Altar of Burnt Offering and Finding Home at the Incense Altar

In looking at the matter of the three aspects of the tabernacle in the Scriptures we cannot overlook Psa. 84, where we see the psalmist’s desire and love for the tabernacles of God; he even likens himself as a sparrow and a swallow finding refuge and making their nest at the two altars – the […]
God Saved and Sanctifed us to Serve God as Priests: we are a Kingdom of Priests!

God saved us to serve Him: He delivered us from the usurpation of the world so that we may become a kingdom of priests, that we may serve God as priests. We need to see that God saved us to serve Him, and we need to choose to serve God, because if we don’t, by […]
Every Service to God must be Based on the Fire from the Altar of Burnt Offering

Our God is a consuming fire, Christ came to cast fire on earth, the Spirit is seven lamps of fire burning before God’s throne, the Triune God is burning in resurrection to call us, the word of God is like fire burning in us, and our serving God should be based on the fire from […]
Having a life of the two altars, and how the altar of burnt offering and incense are connected
In the tabernacle there were two altars, the altar in the outer court, the bronze altar for burnt offering, and the other in the Holy Place, the golden altar for burning the incense. At the first altar all the negative things and problems are dealt with, and at the second altar we fellowship with God […]
Christ Offered Himself through the Eternal Spirit: His Redemption is Eternally Effective

The altar of burnt offering is a wonderful and mysterious type of Christ in His redemption, the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. This altar is not simple, nor is it shallow; it is full of deep significance with many details, and it is seen in reality in what the Lord accomplished on the […]
God’s Judgement Reached the Inward Parts of Christ as He Died for us on the Cross

All genuine believers in Christ know that the Lord Jesus came and died for us on the cross; He was our Substitute on the cross to bear God’s judgement on our behalf. Seeing such a crucified Christ causes us to respond to Him in love and open to Him to receive Him as our Savior. […]