The Lord Jesus today is the Spirit, in particular, the Spirit of Jesus with the suffering element and the suffering strength to withstand persecution; today we have the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus in our spirit to supply us in our Christian life. Hallelujah for the Spirit with our spirit! We believers in Christ often do […]
We can Enjoy the Supply of the Spirit of Jesus in our Sufferings and Persecution
Our Christian Life is a Life of Receiving the All-inclusive Spirit through Faith

Today our Christian life as believers in Christ is a life of receiving the Spirit through faith; our spiritual blessing for eternity is to inherit the Spirit, the consummation of the processed Triune God as our inheritance. Praise the Lord! God promised Abraham two things: a seed (in whom all the nations will be blessed) […]
Today we are Enjoying the All-inclusive Spirit as the Unique Blessing of the Gospel

Hallelujah, Christ as the seed of Abraham was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may receive the all-inclusive Spirit as the blessing of the gospel promised to Abraham! Wow, praise the Lord! God didn’t just create us in His image […]
Christ in His Humanity is the Seed of Abraham for us to Enjoy God’s Promised Blessing

How amazing it is to realize that in His humanity as the seed of Abraham, Christ was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may enjoy God’s promised blessing! Hallelujah! In Galatians the Apostle Paul skilfully and wonderfully brought in these […]
Drinking the Humanity of Jesus and being Constituted with the Spirit of Jesus

We need to be those drinking the humanity of Jesus and being constituted with the Spirit of Jesus. As believers in Christ we need to experience and enjoy the Spirit of the humanity of Jesus for our gospel preaching, for the church service, for our daily walk, and for the Lord’s recovery. Many gospel preachers […]
Being Patterns by Living in Spirit, being Filled in Spirit, and Speaking God’s Economy

It is so encouraging to see the pattern of the apostle Paul in shepherding the saints, in particular to see that he was living in spirit and by the Spirit, he was filled with the Spirit and clothed with the Spirit, he exercised to have a good conscience, he rejoiced in the Lord and he […]
The All-Inclusive Christ is our Allotted Portion of the Good Land: Walk in Him!

The good land promised to Abraham is very important in the fulfillment of God’s purpose. It is in the good land that the people of God live, walk, and do everything; it is here that they labor on the ground to bring forth some rich produce for their supply and for God’s satisfaction. It is […]