When we have sufficient enjoyment of God in the age of grace, we will live in the jubilee and we will enjoy true freedom and rest. Amen! The year of jubilee is the age of Christ as grace dispensed into us for our enjoyment by His words of grace; the New Testament jubilee is an […]
Have Sufficient Enjoyment of God to Live in the Jubilee enjoying Freedom and Rest
Living Christ and Allowing Him to Live in us for us to Live in the Jubilee Today

The Lord Jesus came as the real jubilee, and when we receive Him and live by Him and let Him live in us, we are living in the jubilee. Then everything will be to our satisfaction, for the Christ who lives within us is the One who satisfies us, and He Himself is the secret […]
Man Lost God and Sold himself in Slavery, but Christ brought in the Age of Jubilee

We thank the Lord that we live in the age of grace, which is the age of the jubilee, for Christ has come, He has set us free from sin and the world, and we have returned to God as our inheritance! Hallelujah! This whole week, as we are enjoying and prayerfully and thankfully studying […]
In the Year of Jubilee we Return to God as our Inheritance and We’re Freed from Slavery

Today in the New Testament age, the age of grace, we are in the year of jubilee, for the gospel has brought us into jubilee – we have returned to God as our inheritance and to the church as our family. Hallelujah for the year of jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord! Since the […]
human life at its best is filled with labor; BE SAVED from any human labor by enjoying Christ!
Today we are in the age of the jubilee – the age of grace – which means that we should have no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever, but rather we have all benefits! In the jubilee, all things are for our […]