Disciple the Nations by Baptizing and Teaching them the Truth to be Kingdom People

Christ as the heavenly King sent His disciples with His authority to disciple all the nations, making them the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church today on this earth; we are to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the Triune God and teaching them the divine truth to […]

Being Priestly Teachers Filled with God and Skilled in the Word to Teach the Truth

 In the church life in the Lord’s recovery today we need Ezras, priestly teachers who contact God and are filled with God and are skilled in the word of God; their teaching is an opening of the veil for others to see the heavenly truths of God’s economy and apply them to their daily […]

Being a Divine Nation expressing the Divine Character and Bringing others into God’s Light

 As a result of being reconstituted by the word of God, we become a divine nation expressing the divine character, a holy priesthood to express God; we need to be such ones and we need to teach others in the way of bringing them out of the satanic darkness into the divine light. Amen, […]

Let us pray for the trainees to be built up in Christ in the growth in life unto maturity

Dear saints, let us pray for the full-time training at the beginning of the fall term, that the trainees would be built up in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity and would have a solid pursuit and progress in life (Eph. 4:15; Col. 1:28; Heb. 6:1a). Or, perfect, complete, mature. Perfect denotes […]