The fellowship of the Body of Christ – which is the fellowship among the churches – is the fellowship of the apostles, which issues from the teaching of the apostles. We need to see what is the intrinsic fellowship of the churches (as the local expressions of the unique organic Body of Christ) for their […]
Remaining in the Fellowship of the Apostles to be in the Fellowship of the Body
Not Judging others but Showing them Mercy, and Living by Faith under God’s Government

In our living the church life under the government of God, we should not have different weights or measures – not judging others, but rather have mercy on them as God has mercy on us. In the book of Deuteronomy there are at least twenty-four items that are mentioned by Jehovah with statutes, ordinances and […]
Different Teachings other than God’s Economy which is in Faith bring in Division

Divisions come out of different teachings, teachings other than God’s economy which is in faith; division is all-inclusive, for it includes all the negative things such as Satan, sin, worldliness, the flesh, the self, the old man, and evil temper. According to Deut. 12-13 God hates division and apostasy, and according to Paul and John […]
Being Patterns by Living in Spirit, being Filled in Spirit, and Speaking God’s Economy

It is so encouraging to see the pattern of the apostle Paul in shepherding the saints, in particular to see that he was living in spirit and by the Spirit, he was filled with the Spirit and clothed with the Spirit, he exercised to have a good conscience, he rejoiced in the Lord and he […]
Speaking and Teaching the Economy of God Preserves us in the Oneness and One Accord

The only way we can practice the one accord and thus keep the oneness of the Spirit in the practical church life is to emphasize and speak only one thing: God’s economy, the eternal economy of God. All other things can bring in divisions, even good teachings. But when we have the apostles’ teaching, the […]
Speaking and teaching God’s economy in faith: the apostles’ teaching producing the fellowship of the apostles!

This morning I was so impressed from the Word of God that Paul charged Timothy to do his best to STOP certain ones that did not teach God’s economy which is in faith! As we saw yesterday, there is only one teaching that comes from God, that is approved by God, and that builds up […]