As believers in Christ, we can live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we need to daily drink the Spirit as the living water and eat Christ as our spiritual food so that we may live Christ and express Christ. Amen! It should be easy for us to live […]
Drink the Spirit by Speaking with Christ Constantly and Eat Christ by eating His Words
Don’t be Anxious but by Prayer and Petition with Thanksgiving Tell God your Requests

As believers in Christ who enjoy and experience Christ as our peace offering, we need to be anxious in nothing, but in everything – by prayer and petition with thanksgiving – we should let our requests be made known to God, and the peace of God will guard our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus […]
Working Out Our Own Salvation by Building Up Christ in Our Experience Day by Day

Before Noah started to build the ark, he was already walking with God – this means he was already righteous. Why did he need to still build the ark if he was already walking with God? This question also applies to all the genuine believers in Christ: since we are saved, why do we still […]
Being Transformed by Enjoying the Bountiful Spirit and By Conversing with the Lord

As believers in Christ we are today in the process of transformation by enjoying the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19-21). Our transformation is not determined by the environment, the sufferings, or the outward things; rather, as we enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, there’s a metabolic […]
Exercising to Pray Unceasingly by Calling on the Lord and Talking to Him
![Exercising to Pray Unceasingly by Calling on the Lord and Talking to Him [In the picture: Eph. 6:18]](
The Lord Jesus tells us in Matt. 26:41, Watch and pray – the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Paul continues the Lord’s speaking on this matter and strengthens it by saying, Praying at every time in spirit, and, Persevering in prayer (Col. 4:2; Eph. 6:18). For us to watch in prayer implies […]
just open to the Lord and pour out your heart to Him! (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)
[This is the second part of sister Debora L’s sharing from her topmost enjoyment in the recent young people’s conference in Lipowiec, Poland. Read the first part here – the creation as a picture of our need for growth in life (sharing from the yp conference in Poland)] What made a great impression on me […]
In this universe there is a battle for worship; we worship God and we give Him all the glory!

Some people are “frightened” when they read the book of Revelation, especially when they see that there will be a time when Satan will get all the worship – through Antichrist, when he calls himself “God” (1 Thes. 2:4). In this universe there is a great battle for worship – when the Lord was on […]