In God’s relationship with man, God regards us and is pleased with us in the burnt offering, and He promised that in the seed of Abraham (which is Christ) all the nations of the earth will be blessed. In our deeper study to dig out and enjoy the crystals in the book of Job, we […]
God Regards us when we take Christ as our Burnt Offering and our Everything to Move with God
Through the Requiring God and Christ as the Offerings we can Enjoy Christ as Good Land

It is through the requiring God, the cross of Christ, and Christ Himself as the offerings meeting God’s requirements, that we can enter into Christ as our good land, and receive all the blessings that God would give us in Christ. The scene at the entry of the good land – as described in Deut. […]
Not being for Ourselves but for God’s Interest by Mixing God’s Word with our Faith

We need to learn from the history of the children of Israel the lesson of not being for ourselves but for God’s interest by mixing the word of God with our faith in prayer. Because the children of Israel were for themselves and didn’t care for God and His interest, they hardened their heart, rebelled […]
Taking Christ as our Absoluteness and our Consecration in Serving God as Priests

As priests consecrated to God we must be absolute for God, so we take Christ as our daily burnt offering – He is our absoluteness. Also, we need to take the strong Christ for our consecration, listening to His word, doing what is required by Him, and walking according to His way in serving Him. […]
We Offer Christ to God for His Satisfaction, we Eat Christ, and we’re in Peace with God

In the morning we may take Christ as the burnt offering and offer Christ to God for His satisfaction, and then we may eat of Him as the meal offering to have Him as our life supply; the result is that we have peace, we’re at rest, and we’re full of joy, for we are […]
Seeing that Whatever we do for Ourselves is Sin and Taking Christ as Sin Offering

The sin offering is based on the burnt offering, for whatever we do for ourselves is sin, for we are not absolutely for God, and we need to take Christ as our sin offering. To sin is not just to commit gross deeds, like a crime or a robbery. To sin is simply to come […]
Exercising to Live a Life of the Continual Burnt Offering for God’s Satisfaction

Today in our Christian life and in our church life there’s a need for the continual burnt offering, that is, there’s the need for a continual consecration, a continual offering ourselves to the Lord. The burnt offering is so significant and wonderful: the entire Divine Trinity is involved in the aspects of this offering, and […]