Part of the, Young Adults Truth Series, hosted and published by the UniStudents in Europe, this is the Fellowship of the Eternal Life (part two) – truth series #3. Enjoy the sharing by our brother Don and be washed in the water in the word to be brought into the fellowship of the eternal life! […]
The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (2) – Truth Series 3
Seeing that Whatever we do for Ourselves is Sin and Taking Christ as Sin Offering

The sin offering is based on the burnt offering, for whatever we do for ourselves is sin, for we are not absolutely for God, and we need to take Christ as our sin offering. To sin is not just to commit gross deeds, like a crime or a robbery. To sin is simply to come […]
We Realize that we are Sinful, we Take Christ as our Sin Offering, and we’re Subdued

As we fellowship with the Lord in a living, genuine, and loving way, He as light shines on us, and we realize that we are sinful and thus we take Christ as our sin offering. God has made a provision for us to come to Him and contact Him – the sacrifice of Jesus on […]
We need to take Christ as our Sin Offering by Laying our Hands on Him in Prayer

Because sin is in our fallen human nature, after regeneration we still need to take Christ as our sin offering and as our trespass offering. We cannot say that we have no sin, for sin is in our very nature, and the indwelling sin is with us until the day of our rapture or the […]