For the church as the one new man we all need to take Christ as our person in our speaking so that we may think the same thing and speak the same thing with one mouth. This doesn’t mean that we are becoming like robots speaking the same words, same intonation, at the same time, […]
We Take Christ as our Person in our Speaking to Speak the Same Thing with One Mouth
Being in Spirit to Live Christ and be the New Man, Manifesting Christ on Earth

All the local churches in the different countries are one new man; therefore, we all need to practice the church life in the consciousness of the new man. It is actually shameful for the church in any locality to isolate itself from the other churches; whether consciously or unconsciously, we should not isolate ourselves but […]
Growing up into Christ in All Things until we Arrive at a Full-Grown Man, the New Man

For us to arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose, we need to be those growing up into Christ in all things (Eph. 4:15-16, 24). This expression “grow up into Christ in all things” is a particular expression used by the apostle Paul. As believers who are seeking the Lord, we […]
Being Enlightened and Rising up Together to take Christ as Person for the New Man

If we are unveiled and enlightened, we will see that today in the Lord’s recovery we need to rise up together to take Christ as our person for the one new man; we need to hold to Christ and grow into Him in all things to arrive at a full-grown man. What God desires to […]
Letting Christ make His Home Deep Down in our Heart and Living in His Inward Parts

The apostle Paul was a pattern in taking Christ as our person for the one new man; like him, we need to let Christ make His home deep down in our heart, long for the saints in the inward parts of Christ, let the mind of Christ be in us, do everything in the person […]
Take Christ as our Person for the New Man by Letting Him make His Home in our Heart

We need to take Christ as our person for the new man by letting Him make His home in our heart through faith. The apostle Paul was a pattern of taking Christ as his person for the one new man, for he allowed Christ to make His home in his heart and Christ was formed […]
Taking Christ as our Person in Making Decisions to have the Living of the New Man

When we as believers in Christ live our life by taking Christ as our person in making decisions, our living will be the living of the one new man, for Christ lives in us for the church as the one new man. Our Christian life is not a life according to right or wrong, good […]