As believers in Christ, we are sealed by the Spirit, we have Christ as our righteousness, and we’re being made submissive to God so that He can make us part of His increase in humanity. Joseph is a type of Christ; as a fruitful bow, Joseph typifies Christ as the branch for the branching out […]
Sealed by the Spirit, having Christ as our Righteousness, and being Submissive to God
Experience Reigning in Life by being Under the Ruling of the Divine Life Inwardly

As believers in Christ, we need to enter into the experience of reigning in life; we need to be under the ruling of the divine life, subdue all kinds of insubordination, have our hearts directed by the Lord, and become the same as the Lord is in every possible way. When we hear of […]
Cooperate with the Inner Energizing God who Operates in us the Willing and Working

In order for us to be one in soul, we need to work out our own salvation by cooperating with the inner energizing God, who operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure; our will needs to be subdued and we need to live a submissive life to the […]
Take Christ as our King: have the Lord’s Ruling Presence in us, a Clear Sky with a Throne

We need to take, experience and enjoy Christ as our King by having a clear sky between us and Him with a throne above it, and this has to do with having a good and pure conscience, void of any offense toward God and man. Amen! This week we come to the last week in […]
Being Saved from the Lawlessness of Walking according to Self-Will by being Submissive to God

May the Lord have mercy on us to save us from the lawlessness of walking according to self-will by being submissive to God. As believers in Christ, we need to be rescued from lawlessness by doing what is right in God’s eyes by obeying the principle of serving God; we need to be delivered from […]
We can be Submissive because Christ’s Life of Submission and Obedience is in us

When we are filled with Christ, we are filled with submission, for He has given us His life of submission and obedience; for us to be submissive, we need the supply of life, the enjoyment of grace, the working of the cross, and the denial of the self. We all need to take grace and […]
Having a Submissive Spirit and being in Subjection to God’s Ordination brings in Blessing

When Deborah was raised up as a judge by God in Israel, she practiced the female submission to the man to keep God’s ordination, and the whole Israel was brought into a proper order under God’s kingship and headship. We all need to receive grace from the Lord to listen to and receive the pure […]