In order for us to be priestly teachers like Ezra, we need to be constituted with the truth, that is, have the truth wrought into us to become our organic constitution; we need to be trained in the divine revelation and learn to speak the truth for the perfecting of the saints and the […]
We need to be Constituted with the Truth by being Trained in the Divine Revelation
Having the Subjective Experience of Christ as Life for the Building up of the Body of Christ

The Gospel of John, which is a book on the subjective truths, reveals that we should have subjective experiences of Christ; in this Gospel, we see so many ways for us to have the subjective experience of Christ as life. This gospel is not on objective truths that have nothing to do with our daily […]
Christ is our Objective and Subjective Righteousness as we Live by the Spirit and Life

Christ as our objective righteousness enables us to meet the requirement of the righteous God, whereas Christ as our subjective righteousness enables us to meet the requirement of the overcoming Christ; the subjective truths are linked to the Spirit and life and are constituted with Spirit and life. The truth in the Bible has two […]
Objective Doctrines need to become Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Church

We need to be absolute for both the objective truths and the subjective truths; the objective doctrines are for the subjective truth to produce and build up the church. The truth in the divine revelation is not something relative, as the worldly people today seem to make it. In the world today truth is becoming […]