The church is the kingdom of God on earth today, and the church has a great responsibility: the church needs to subdue the power of darkness and bring God’s will to the earth. Amen! The kingdom of God is very much related to the church today; the kingdom and the church are closely interrelated. In […]
The Church should Pray to Bring in the Kingdom and Subdue Satan’s Power of Darkness
The Kingdom of God is the Power to Subdue Rebellion and the Growth of Christ in Us

The Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God, but there’s much opposition to God’s kingdom; in Mark 4:35-44 we see a picture of rebellion and the kingdom of God as the power to subdue rebellion, and this can be experienced by us today. The Lord Jesus came as the kingdom of God to […]
God needs a Corporate Warrior fighting to Subdue Satan’s Will and bring in God’s Kingdom

Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan’s will is set against God’s will; as the church, we fight to subdue the satanic will, and Satan is terrified of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate warrior fighting against him and his kingdom! Amen! What God is looking after today is not only many […]
God’s Need is for Man to Subdue God’s Enemy and Recover the Earth for God’s Kingdom

God needs man to recover the earth for God; He gave man to have dominion over the earth to subdue it, conquer it, and deal with God’s enemy so that He may recover the earth for the kingdom of God. This is God’s need. This is God’s intention from the very beginning. He created man […]
Man has Dominion to Subdue the Enemy, Recover the Earth, and Bring in God’s Kingdom

God gave man dominion over the earth for him to exercise God’s authority to subdue the enemy, and to bring in the kingdom of God on earth so that the will of God may be done on earth and the glory of God may be manifested on earth. It is so wonderful to know that […]
God gave man Dominion over all the Earth to Subdue and Deal with God’s Enemy, Satan

God’s intention in His creation of man in His image and according to His likeness is that man would express Him and represent Him; God gave man dominion to subdue God’s enemy, Satan, who rebelled against God. God created man so that man would look like God and have the capacity to contain God so […]