As a rising freshman, I had zero expectations for the North America College Training. A serving one had recommended it to me the year before and I was initially apprehensive due to the pricing (I’m from the UK so international flights were factored into this). I had the unique opportunity to join 15 other saints […]
Satan Can’t Distract us from God’s Eternal Love! (2023 NACT sharing)
Our God is Full of Love – we need to have a Fresh Contact with Him Daily (2023 NACT)

This training made me realise that our God is a person who is so full of love, so deep and rich in what He is, and accessible for us to experience. My prayer is that I would be able to enter into such a deep experience of the Lord day by day. I don’t want […]
God as Love Prevails – He is the Forever Love and we Become like Him (2023 NACT)

Before attending NACT 2023 the students who went to the semi-annual training received a bridging word from Brother Minoru during the study time. In this message, he elaborated on the story of Mary Magdalene and how she was a crazy lover of Christ. She was one who loved the Lord so much that it caused […]
Love Prevails & Holding to Truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT

Following is my sharing about NACT 2023 – Love Prevails & Holding to Truth. Just too enjoyable the college training! Love prevails & holding to truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT Two parallel lines: Love and Truth Love = God; Truth = God; Love = God = Truth Love Importance of love: It is […]
A Fresh Seeing of God as Love and Knowing God’s Universal Love (2023 NACT)

This was my first time attending the North America College Training (NACT 2023). Before going, I prayed to the Lord that He would really shine in me and gain a breakthrough in my being. I thank the Lord He honoured my prayers and spoke a personal word to me during this time. Growing up in […]
Holding to Truth in Love and Loving the Lord with all our Heart (2023 NACT)

There are two lines to this NACT training – “Love Prevails”, and “Holding to Truth in Love”. In the Bible, we can see that both truth and love are very closely related. Eph. 4:15 speaks of “holding to truth in love”, 1 Cor. 13:6 says that “(love) rejoices with the truth”, and 2 Thes. 2:10 says […]
Holding to Truth, Love Prevails, and Loving God with the First Love (2023 NACT testimony)

The NACT (North American College Training 2023) this year was a great experience for me, in which I had many enjoyments. As always week-long conferences such as the WST (Winter School of Truth) expose my worldly living and NACT did not fail to do the same. I personally struggle with upholding a consistent good Christian […]