The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ, and this reality is absolutely organic; we can be in the Body in reality by being in Christ, that is, by abiding in the organic union with the Lord. This week in our deeper and more profound study of the vital […]
We are the Body of Christ in Actuality when we Remain in the Organic Union with Christ
We should Live a God-man Life to Live the Glory of Divinity and the Virtues of Humanity

What an amazing fact it is that the One who lived the life of a God-man is now the Spirit living in us and through us, and we simply need to open to Him, love Him, be joined to Him as one, and He will fill us, possess us, and live out in us the […]
Remaining in the Organic Union with Christ to Live and Work in Christ and by Christ

In His economy God has planned that we should do everything God requires of us, and we can do all things not in ourselves but in the organic union with Christ, doing all things in Christ, by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, and by being one with Christ. The requirements that God has for us […]
Practicing Being One Spirit with the Lord to Stay in the Process of God’s Salvation

The desire of God’s heart is not only to be worshipped by man but to be one with man and make man one with Him. The only way He can do this is by getting into man as life and being man’s life and person. God created man in His image and with His likeness, […]