The Triune God is our Full Enjoyment to Carry out the Economy of God for His Building

Although the subject of 1 and 2 Peter is God’s government, this is not the central focus and basic structure of these Epistles, which is the Triune God as our full enjoyment to carry out the economy of God. Amen! Everything concerning God’s government should bring us back to the central focus and basic structure […]

We need to be Cleansed from Sin and Thoroughly Deal with the Self to Live in the Body

 In order for us as believers in Christ to enter into the oneness in the divine glory, the corporate expression of God, we must thoroughly deal with the self, dealing with the sin that issues from within man’s self, which is the enemy of the Body of Christ. On the positive side, we need […]

Christ made Propitiation for us by Satisfying God’s Demands to make us One with God

The Lord Jesus made propitiation for us, satisfying the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory, and He appeased God for us; now we can come forward to God and be one with God. In the Old Testament there was the type of expiation, in which there was the slaining of a goat and sprinkling […]

The Sprinkling of the Blood of Christ Satisfies God and gives us Assurance and Peace

The sprinkling of the blood of Christ is for us to be redeemed, for God to be satisfied, and for us and God to have a peaceful fellowship based on the Lord’s blood. This is typified by the sprinkling of the blood of the sin offering, offered for the expiation of God’s people, in Lev. […]