there’s a state of war in the universe – we must choose to be the mighty ones!

As the Lord Jesus is daily drawing us to Himself we have the honor of choosing to respond in love by living in the divine history that is unfolding within the human history today. May we be those who do not live primarily or mainly in the outward human history only but those who have […]

the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God – revealed in Ephesians!

Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians is SO RICH! When you read it “with God’s economy glasses on” you will see vision after vision, revelation after revelation! We already have seen that God’s economy is fully accomplished by the exercise of our mingled spirit(as revealed in Ephesians), and we have also seen the dispensing of the […]

speaking to my friends about the Lord is a battle, so we need to pray for our friends to be saved!

Not long after I got saved in the Lord, I started to have a burden for my best friend; I really wanted to introduce this wonderful Christ to her. I still remembered a brother once shared that he did not have much Bible knowledge, but the zeal of his heart for the absoluteness of the […]