This week we have been prayerfully considering the spiritual meaning and application of the rainbow around God’s throne, and our realization is that the spiritual reality of the rainbow needs to be wrought into us so that we will have the appearance of a rainbow, bearing God’s testimony. God’s testimony is multi-colored: His divine attributes […]
Having the Spiritual Reality of the Rainbow Manifested in the Church Life Today
In Christ we are Becoming the Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory of God – the Rainbow

As believers in Christ, we are in Christ and we bear Christ as righteousness, holiness, and glory – in God’s eyes we look like righteousness, holiness, and glory, and we have the appearance of a rainbow (1 Cor. 1:30)! On the one hand, the rainbow around the throne of God is a sign of God’s […]
Christ Satisfied God’s Requirements: now He’s our Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory

As we prayerfully consider the spiritual significance and application of the rainbow, we need to realize that the three basic colors composing it refer to God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory, which once excluded the sinful man from God’s presence but are now becoming our reality in Christ. As seen in Ezekiel chapter 1 – the […]
The Experience of the Christian life and of the Church Life Consummates in a Rainbow

The experience of the Christian life and of the church life consummates in a rainbow, and this is seen in type in Ezekiel 1 which starts with open heavens, continues with the experience of the wind, cloud, fire, and electrum, and consummates with the rainbow around the throne on which a Man sits. This matter […]
Praise our Life-giving and Redeeming God on the Throne who Keeps His Covenant!

God is on the throne, and He looks like jasper and like sardius, and there’s a rainbow around the throne; our God is the God of life and redemption, and He is the covenanting God, the faithful God who keeps His covenant while executing His judgment upon the earth. Hallelujah for the rainbow around God’s […]
The Rainbow is a Sign of God’s Faithfulness in Keeping His Covenant with Man

This week we are on the last great crystal in chapter 1 of Ezekiel, which is the rainbow – the consummation of the experience of the Christian life and the church life, and today we want to see that the rainbow is a sign of God’s faithfulness in keeping the covenant! Ezekiel 1, the deepest […]
God’s Covenant with Noah and the Rainbow: Enjoy God’s Faithfulness and His Promises

The first major covenant God made with man was His promise to Adam that “the seed of the woman will bruise the serpent on the head” (Gen. 3:15); this promise was fulfilled in the Lord Jesus as the individual seed of the woman, and it is being fulfilled today in the overcomers in the churches […]