Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people, and we can eat the Lord Jesus and live because of Him by eating His words and digesting Him into our inner being. This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers […]
We Eat the Lord Jesus by Eating His Words of Spirit and Life to Live Because of Him
Receiving the Spirit and Life contained in God’s Word by Praying over God’s Word

Ezekiel was told by God to take and eat the scroll, and then to prophesy for God; as believers in Christ, we need to eat the words of the Bible, taking the word of God into us by means of all prayer, and receive the Spirit that is embodied in the word of God. Jeremiah […]
Eating, Digesting, and Assimilating Christ into our Being to Live because of Him

In John 6 the Lord Jesus showed us how He is the bread of life, and just as He lives because of the Father so we who eat Him as the bread of life shall live because of Him (John 6:57-58). In order for us to live Christ and express God from within, we need […]
we need to eat the Lord’s Word and speak for God!(sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Our God is a speaking God. He is always speaking and He loves to speak. When He created the earth He did not rise up His arm and shook it… but He just spoke the word! This means that our dear God does everything through His speaking. When He created man, He made him in […]