Since God’s building is living, it is growing; the actual building up of the church as the house of God is by the believers’ growth in life, and we need to grow in life for the building and deal with any obstacle to the growth and release of the divine life. Amen! Praise the Lord, […]
We need to Grow in Life for God’s Building and let the Cross Deal with any Obstacle
Live a Life in the Depths and have Deep Experiences of Christ, Not Exposing our Roots

As believers in Christ, we need to have direct and intimate fellowship with the Lord to live a life in the depths, having roots that go deep down in God and not showing forth our roots but rather, having many hidden, private, and intimate experiences with God and of God. We need to live the […]
Enjoy Christ as the Reality of the Jubilee with its Freedom and Blessings

As believers in Christ, we need to enjoy Christ as the reality of the freedom and blessings of the New Testament jubilee; we need to learn to daily enjoy Christ as the reality of the jubilee. The jubilee is not just something that was ordained by God in the Old Testament; it is an age, […]
Rooted in Christ: Spend time with Him to Absorb His Riches and Grow for the Body

As believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil, and we grow with the elements we absorb from the soil; we need to take time to absorb Christ as the rich and all-inclusive soil into whom we have been rooted, for He is a land in which we do not […]
Having the Glory of Christ Carved into our Being and Sending our Roots into Christ

We need to have the glory of Christ carved into our being through sufferings, and we need to send our roots deep into Christ to absorb Him and grow with Him, even to manifest His resurrection life. As believers in Christ, we are in the process of being made materials for God’s building; the […]
The Order of the Church comes out of Submitting to the Unique Headship of Christ

The order of the church comes out not of an organization but the authority of the church, which is the honouring of the unique headship of Christ; when we honor the headship of Christ, there is the authority of the church, and there is order in the church. All authority comes from God; no one […]
Christ is our Pattern for Living the Life of a God-man by Living according to the Spirit

We all need to follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus, the first God-man, to live a God-man life; in the Gospels, we have many details concerning the God-man living of the Lord Jesus, and as such a One He is in us to live the life of a God-man in us. God needs a […]