We believers in Christ need to build up the habit of drawing water from the springs of salvation in order to drink and flow the water of life; in our daily living we need to drink the Lord habitually, and we need to flow Him out to others also. Amen! The gospel presented by […]
Build up the Habit of Drawing Water from the Springs of Salvation: Drink and Flow God
Learning to Muse upon God’s Word with much Prayer, Considering, and Speaking to God

The key to Joshua’s having success and being prosperous is his musing on the law; our being prosperous and having success depends on our musing upon the Word of God, taking the Word with much careful and prayerful consideration. Amen! We are thankful that the Lord has shown us a vision of His eternal economy, […]
Drinking the Spirit by being Identified with the Crucified Christ and Speaking to Him

Christ as the spiritual rock that follows us all the days of our Christian life has been smitten, and we simply need to drink the Spirit, for drinking the Spirit solves most of our problems, makes us the Body of Christ, and prepares us to be the bride of Christ. It is so wonderful to […]
Apply the Death of Christ to our Situation and Speak to Christ to Drink Living Water

In Num. 20 we see that the people of Israel were thirsty, and Moses was told to speak to the rock so that water may flow; Christ as the spiritual rock follows us to give us living water to drink whenever we’re thirsty. The smitten rock is a type of Christ, and the water flowing […]
Drinking of God as the River of Water of Life for God to Fulfill His Purpose

God’s purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion, and the way He is accomplishes His purpose is by His life. First, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in God, enjoy God, partake of God, and be filled […]