For us to be good ministers of Christ Jesus, the primary thing is to exercise our spirit, even build up of exercising our spirit unto godliness to live Christ in our daily life and speak for the Lord both to people and to the things around us so that we may be filled inwardly […]
Build up a Habit of Exercising our Spirit to Live Christ and Speak Christ to Others
Stay on the Way of Life by Loving the Lord to the Uttermost and by Eating Him in His Word

We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him, and by eating Jesus through pray-reading on the Word, musing on God’s word, and ministering the Word as the Spirit into others. As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ, we […]
Being Filled with the Word to Speak God’s Words for us to Express and Represent God

As human beings, we are created by God in His image to express Him and represent Him; as believers in Christ, we are born of God in our spirit and we can speak God’s words to represent God. Hallelujah! For us to speak God’s words, we need to be filled with the word of […]
The Organic Increase of the Church is the Increase of Christ in His Body as His Bride

The organic increase of the church is the increase of Christ in His organic Body as His bride; He must increase and we must decrease, and this takes place by enjoying Him in His word and by speaking His word who is Spirit and life for the increase of Christ. As believers in Christ, we […]
Christ is the Prophet Speaking the Word of God in us to Reveal and Speak God into us

Moses prophesied that God would raise up a Prophet from the midst of the children of Israel who would speak the word of God; in His first coming, Christ ministered as the Prophet raised up by God speaking the word of God (Deut. 18:15, 18; Acts 3:22-23). Hallelujah for our Christ, the all-inclusive and extensive […]
Being Soaked and Saturated with God’s Word to Speak for God and Speak God into People

Moses was a prophet and, as a prophet, he typifies Christ; he was saturated with God’s word, he spoke the word of God, and every word he spoke became the word of God – he is a type of Christ as the real Prophet. What is a prophet? Many Christians (and non-Christians alike) believe that […]
As Christ is the Prophet Raised by God, so we are Prophets Speaking the Word of God

Just as Christ is the Prophet raised by God, so we today as His brothers and sons of God are prophets speaking the Word of God. In Deut. 18:15 Moses prophesied that God will raise up a Prophet from among the people of Israel, and he will be like him, speaking the Word of God […]