Before Joseph entered into the fulfillment of his dreams, he had to go through a long period of time (12 years or more) of suffering, trials, and imprisonment. It seemed as if everything around him was not working together for his dreams to be fulfilled, but Joseph was still strong in faith and spoke his vision. […]
Speaking the Heavenly Vision even while in the “Dungeon” on the Way to the Throne
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: crystallization study of Genesis, dungeon and confinement, holy word for morning revival, speak the vision, the absoluteness of the truth, the heavenly vision, the reigning aspect of the mature life, the testing of our faith, the way to the throne, we are dreamers
Lord, Release us from Ourselves and Bring us on a High Mountain to See the Vision!

We need to have a heavenly vision that governs us, directs us, encourages us, and takes us on with the Lord, making us one with Him for His purpose. In order for us to have a heavenly vision from God we need to pray – we need to open to the Lord in prayer, asking […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, prayer, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: brought to a high mountain, God shines on His word, holy word for morning revival, pray over the Word, pray-read the Word, see the heavenly vision, speak the vision, the heavenly vision