Deal with our Heart to have a Soft Heart and a Pure Heart for the Lord to Grow in us

 For us to grow in life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ, we need to cooperate with the Lord by dealing with our heart so that it can be soft (a soft heart) and pure (a pure heart) in our Christian life. May the Lord have mercy on […]

for us to have a vision, we need revelation, light, and sight! Also, an open spirit! (university training)

Oh Lord Jesus! I enjoyed the whole University Training! But one of my top enjoyments throughout the week was the message given on “The Vision and The Ministry of The Age”. I really enjoyed that in every age there is a vision of that age and we need to serve God according to the vision […]

as children of God we are under The Discipline of God – podcast #37 on

Did you listen to Podcast #37 from the website? It is entitled, The Discipline of God, and has as introduction: How do we know that we are genuine children of God? We know because we have a Father who not only loves us but also disciplines us as His sons (Heb. 12:7). In this podcast we […]