As we saw previously, in the book of Isaiah there are at least three persons that typify Christ and also typify us – Cyrus the king, Isaiah the prophet, and the people of Israel. Even though Cyrus was a Gentile king, God chose Him, formed him, prepared him, and strengthened him to do His will […]
we are now one with Christ and part of the corporate Servant of Jehovah(as typified by Israel)
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, God's economy, His heart's desire, love the Lord, our birthright, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the gospel, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: Christ as the Servant of Jehovah, crystallization study of Isaiah, express God in His glory, God is glorified, God is working Himself into us, king Cyrus typifies Christ, life study of Isaiah, sinners made sons of God, the highest service to God, the people of Israel typifies Christ, we are servants of Jehovah, we are the people of God, work together with God
Two Fathers in John 8 – The Father of Truth and The Father of Lies(light shining in the home meeting!)
Recently in a home meeting we were joined by a new one whose concept was that God is his Father through God’s creation of humanity. To answer his question / give a Biblical approach to this, we went to John 8 and we read through the whole chapter. It is quite startling that in this chapter […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the church life, the gospel, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: begotten of God, by birth we are children of the devil, by faith we receive, call on the name of the Lord, calling on the Lord's name, delivered from the devil, God is our Father, My God and your God, O Lord Jesus!, receive the Only Begotten, Satan is the father of lies, sinners made sons of God, The Firstborn Son of God, The Only Begotten Son, two fathers in John 8, Who is your father?
the greatest wonder in the universe – man can be born of God and sinners can be made sons of God!

WOW! I love this wonderful delicious amazing and true quote from bro. Lee, Surely it is the greatest wonder in the universe that human beings could be begotten of God and sinners could be made children of God. How can this be? What is this? We, human beings, to be born of God? Even us, […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the high peak Tagged With: Abba Father, believe in His name, born of God, call on the Lord daily, children of God, Christ is in us, crying Abba Father, God is our Father, growing in life, heirs of God, human beings born of God, led by the Spirit, O Lord Jesus!, regeneration, sinners made sons of God, sons of God, the all-inclusive Christ, the greatest wonder, we are children of God, we have the divine life