We believers in Christ need to build up the habit of drawing water from the springs of salvation in order to drink and flow the water of life; in our daily living we need to drink the Lord habitually, and we need to flow Him out to others also. Amen! The gospel presented by […]
Build up the Habit of Drawing Water from the Springs of Salvation: Drink and Flow God
Sing with all your heart to the Lord – Young People Hymns in the Lord’s Recovery!

Singing is one of the best ways to enjoy the Lord, for in our singing we open not only our mouth and mind but also our heart to the Lord. And especially when we have hymns and spiritual songs that are filled with truth and the enjoyment of Christ, we are helped very much to […]
simple ways of speaking so that we may drink of Christ as the Spirit, the springs of salvation
God wants us to worship Him – but not in the way that any religion portrays this to us. In John chapter 4 we see that the Lord Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman about worshiping God – the place of worship is our spirit (since God is Spirit), and the way to worship […]
learning to activate the law of the Spirit of life in a simple way
Recently, I have really enjoyed a fresh and new appreciation of the law of the Spirit of life, and how much we need to SEE how this law can free us from all our struggling and strife. Many times, even in the church life, we would activate the law of good in our soul to […]
Draw me dear Lord – draw me today from anything else!
A big part of our Christian life is singing – spiritual songs, love songs, songs of worship, adoration songs, songs of praise, songs of longing, songs on prayer, sweet songs, etc – all kinds of songs, for all the spiritual experiences we have/we need to grow in the divine life. A song not only touches […]