On the positive side, we need to follow Christ as the Star and also follow the living stars He has put in the churches, and on the negative side, we need to beware of wandering stars. When the Lord was born a star rose up in the heavens, and heathen magi from the east saw […]
Staying away from Wandering Stars and Following the Living Stars in the Church Life
Christ in Revelation 1: Feet like Bronze, Loud Voice, and Holding 7 Stars in His Hand

The Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person in the universe, and throughout the Bible we see so many of His aspects and characteristics. When He was on the earth, His walk among men was full of life and light, and people were comfortable in His presence, enjoying His speaking, and benefiting from His works. […]
Stronger Light (Sun, Moon, and Stars) is Needed for a Further Growth in Life

On the fourth day of God’s process of creation the light-bearers appeared – the sun, the moon, and the stars – for the producing of the higher forms of life (Gen. 1:14-19). For the generating of life and for the initial forms of life (the plant life) the light of the first day was OK, […]
Becoming Overcoming Stars by the Bible and by the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

As we see that today God speaks to the messengers in the churches, the stars shining bright for Him, we need to ask ourselves, How can we become an overcoming star in this dark age? The Bible reveals at least two main ways to become an overcoming star – by the Bible, and by the […]
Being the Shining Stars in this Dark Age, the Messengers in the Churches

In Daniel 12:3 we see that, “Those who have insight will shine like the shining of the heavenly expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars, forever and ever.” In the beginning of the New Testament Christ was the shining star, but at the end in Revelation 2 we see that there […]