This week in our prayerful consideration of propagating Christ we come to the matter of, Shepherding the Flock of God according to God by Being Patterns of the Flock, and today in particular we want to see what it means to shepherd according to God’s desire. The Christ we propagate is not only the incarnated […]
Learning to Shepherd others according to God’s Desire out of Love for the Lord Jesus
Shepherd the Saints as a Nursing Mother and an Exhorting Father for the Church Life

The apostles were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread, and Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, imparting to them not only the gospel but even his own soul and life; we need to shepherd the saints in a similar manner. In the Gospels and in other […]
Paying more Attention to Life than to Work and Seeing how Paul was a Pattern in Shepherding

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is the Great Shepherd, the Shepherd of our souls, and in Acts 20 and 1 Thes. 2 we also see that Paul was a pattern of cooperating with Christ’s heavenly ministry to shepherd people for the building up of the Body of Christ. This week in our morning […]
Shepherding others According to God – According to His Nature, Desire, Way, and Glory

As believers in Christ, we are under His tender care and shepherding, and we are commissioned by Him to shepherd His sheep and feed His lambs (see John 21); therefore, in order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to learn how to shepherd by being one with the Lord in His heavenly […]
Shepherding is the Key, so we need to Learn to Shepherd others According to God

The Gospel of John, a gospel focusing on God in Christ coming to be our life and meet our every need for God’s purpose, shows us how Christ came to shepherd us by cherishing and nourishing us; shepherding is the key to the Gospel of John. The Lord Jesus came not as a mighty king […]
every time you touch your spirit, it becomes stronger! (2011 winter school of truth)
I enjoyed all my time at this Winter School of Truth with all the saints, but some of the most precious times were in the group time and in our room time before bed. It was so encouraging to see young people my age touching their spirit, praying, and shepherding one another. The brothers have shared about the need for Samuels in Europe, and what I saw that there were young men who will be beacons of light in their cities and schools, all over Europe! [sharing from a young brother who recently attended the 2011 winter school of truth in London, UK]
as young people in Europe, we are fighting at the front line of the battle for the Lord(2011 Poland camp)
Praise the Lord for another wonderful Christ filled week at the 2011 Poland Camp. This year the subject for the Camp was ‘Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus’. The Book of Exodus unlike Genesis begins negatively – Exodus begins with the Children of Israel in a situation of slavery in Egypt under Satan’s […]