As believers in Christ, we are under His tender care and shepherding, and we are commissioned by Him to shepherd His sheep and feed His lambs (see John 21); therefore, in order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to learn how to shepherd by being one with the Lord in His heavenly […]
Shepherding others According to God – According to His Nature, Desire, Way, and Glory
Shepherding is the Key, so we need to Learn to Shepherd others According to God

The Gospel of John, a gospel focusing on God in Christ coming to be our life and meet our every need for God’s purpose, shows us how Christ came to shepherd us by cherishing and nourishing us; shepherding is the key to the Gospel of John. The Lord Jesus came not as a mighty king […]
Experiencing the Lord’s Shepherding for the Recovery of the Church Life (Ezek. 34)

How blessed we are to be under the Lord’s shepherding for the recovery of the church life, as seen in Ezekiel 34! The Lord is indeed our good Shepherd, and He Himself comes to search for us, His sheep, to seek us out; He brings us from among the unbelievers to Himself so that we […]
To Shepherd according to God is to Minister the Processed God Constituted into us

To shepherd according to God (1 Pet. 5:2) requires that we become one with God, we are constituted with God, we live God, we represent God, and we minister God. We can shepherd according to God only by becoming the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function. First, we need to be […]
We need to Represent God and Function as the Acting God to Shepherd According to God

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ we are commissioned by the Lord to shepherd His sheep, the saints in the church, according to God (1 Pet. 5:2). To shepherd according to God requires that we are one with God, we are filled with God, we are reconstituted with God, we […]
We Become God’s Expression by Eating, Digesting, and Assimilating God to Live God

The high peak of the divine revelation in the Bible is that God became man to make man God in life, nature, expression, and function, so that God would obtain a corporate expression in the universe in man. Through regeneration we receive the divine life with the divine nature, and daily we are growing in […]
Being Metabolically Constituted with God to Live God and Shepherd According to God

Shepherding according to God – as the Lord Jesus and Paul did in their living and ministry – is by first becoming one with God, being constituted with God, living God, expressing God, representing God, and ministering God so that we may be God in function in shepherding others. It is one thing to feel […]