Those who shepherd the flock of God should shepherd according to God; to shepherd according to God is to become the same as God, to be one with God, and do all things in God and according to God. On one hand, we need to enjoy the Lord’s shepherding ourselves, personally, for He is […]
We need to Live God, Become God, and be One with God to Shepherd according to God
Learning from Paul to Shepherd the Saints in Love in the Church as the Flock of God

We need to learn from Paul to shepherd the saints in love in the church as the flock of God. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the apostle Paul, who shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, taking love as the most excellent way to care […]
Enter into Christ’s Wonderful Shepherding for the Fulfillment of God’s Dream, the Church

We need to enter into Christ’s wonderful shepherding for the fulfilment of God’s dream, the church as the mutual dwelling place of God and man. In the church life, we need to be careful about directing others or controlling them related to their marriage, who to marry, and what to do; we are here simply […]
Pay the Price to gain more of the Spirit and Minister Christ to Shepherd the Flock of God

For us to shepherd the flock of God is to watch over the souls of the saints, being one with the Lord as the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls to care for them; for this, we need to enjoy and dispense grace, pay the price to gain more Christ and minister Him, and be […]
In the Church God’s Authority is Expressed and Represented by the Apostles and Elders

In order to manifest His authority in the church, God as appointed elders and apostles; in the church, God’s authority is expressed and represented by the apostles and elders. On one hand, God is the unique authority and Christ has been made Lord of all, even Head over all things to the church; on the […]
By the Ministry of Reconciliation we’re Reconciled to God Further and we Shepherd others

The ministry of reconciliation is the ministry of reconciling the world to Christ through the forgiveness of sins for their judicial redemption, and the reconciling of the believers to Christ that they may be persons who live in the spirit for their organic salvation. Hallelujah, we have been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation: God […]
To Shepherd according to God we need to Become God in Life, Nature, and Function

In order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to become the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead; today the Lord Jesus continues to shepherd His flock through those who cooperate with His heavenly ministry of shepherding the saints according to God. Only Christ can shepherd others […]