In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to participate in Christ’s heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in order to take care of God’s flock, the church as the Body of Christ; we need to shepherd people according to the Lord’s pattern. May we be […]
Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus to Carry out God’s Economy
Let’s pray for the saints to shepherd people out of love for them, an interest in them, a burden for them, and adequate prayer for them

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would shepherd people out of love for them, an interest in them, a burden for them, and adequate prayer for them, practicing to write down their names, praying for their spiritual welfare constantly, visiting them regularly, bringing them to home meetings, and establishing them in the church […]
Following the Lord’s Pattern to Shepherd People by Cherishing and Nourishing them

We can enter into a new revival by participating in Christ’s heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd them in order to take care of God’s flock; we are learning to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry to carry out God’s economy. There are three main ways […]
We need to Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus for the Church

We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy. The Lord Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost, and He did so by shepherding us. The New Testament shows us the saving love and tender care of […]