The shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is mutual shepherding; we need to shepherd one another in mutuality, relying on those whom we shepherd and receiving their portion, both shepherding others and being shepherded by them so that through this mutual shepherding the church as the Body will build itself up in […]
The Shepherding that Builds up the Body of Christ is Mutual Shepherding in Love
Shepherd the Believers for their Growth in Life unto the Building up of the Body

The Lord Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and He is the Chief Shepherd; He shepherded us when He was on earth, He is shepherding us in His heavenly ministry, and today we can cooperate with Him to shepherd the believers for them to grow in life unto maturity for the building up of the […]
Love the Saints by Ministering the Spiritual Foot-Washing to them in the Church Life

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we all need to learn to love the brothers and sisters by ministering the spiritual foot-washing to them to cleanse them from the earthly touch; though this means we are being limited, we need to practice this in mutuality. The Lord Jesus washes […]
Our Shepherding in Mutuality according to God’s Heart builds up the Body of Christ

The Lord Jesus is the Shepherd according to the heart of God, and He wants to reproduce Himself in all His believers so that there would be a mutual shepherding among the saints; the shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a shepherding in mutuality. What does it mean for us to shepherd […]
The Lord urgently needs the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body of Christ

For us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ we need to be the overcomers in the churches – the Lord urgently needs the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ. What the Lord wants to gain today is the reality of the Body of Christ, for this […]