To exercise our spirit is to discern our spirit from our soul, to live the normal church life and overcome any degradation by pursuing Christ with those who call on the Lord, and to pray, approaching God in a personal and confiding manner for God’s interests to be carried out on the earth. Amen, we […]
We Discern our Spirit from our Soul, Pursue the Lord, and Pray for God’s Interests
To Exercise our Spirit is to Set our Mind on the Spirit and Discern Spirit from Soul

For us to live a life of godliness in the church life for the expression of God in man, we need to exercise our spirit, that is, we need to set our mind on the spirit and therefore know the inner sense of life and peace, and we need to discern our spirit from […]
When we Set our Mind on the Spirit, we Enjoy the Divine Dispensing in and for the Body

When we take heed to the inner sense of the spirit, the law of the Spirit of life is activated within us; the secret of our Christian life which we must learn is to set our mind on our spirit by taking heed to our spirit so that we may live in spirit and […]
Cooperate with the Law of the Spirit of Life to Enjoy the Divine Dispensing Daily

How wonderful it is that we can cooperate with the law of the Spirit of life to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Triune God daily simply by turning to our spirit! When we believers in Christ received the Lord by believing into Him, He functioned as the law of the Spirit of life […]
God Dwells in us – He is the Law of the Spirit of Life Installed in our spirit!

It is amazing to realize that God dwells in us – He is the law of the Spirit of life installed in our spirit! Wow! Romans chapter 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe, and if we experience what this chapter reveals, we’re in the center of […]
As the Totality of our Fallen old man, the Flesh is Enmity against God and Cannot Please God

In the eyes of God and according to the Bible, the flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen being; it is the living out and expression of the old man, and the flesh is enmity against God, not being subject to God’s law nor being able to please God. […]
We are Married to Christ to Bear fruit to God by Living in the Joined Spirit to Express God

Praise the Lord, our old man is crucified with Christ so that we may live one spirit with the Lord, we were buried and married to Christ to bring forth fruit to God, and when we live in the joined spirit we fulfill the purpose of God! Hallelujah! It is so encouraging to see the […]