God is Happy when we Eat Christ and Live because of Him, Abide in Christ and Remain in our Spirit

God is happy when we eat Christ as our spiritual food so that we may live because of Him, when we are daily strengthened into the inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith, and when we abide in the Lord by remaining in our spirit and paying attention […]

We need to Live by the Sense of Life and be Victorious over Satan’s Attack of Death

We need to live by the sense of life – the consciousness and feeling of the divine life within us – and be victorious over the attack of death upon the church, building up the Body of Christ in the resurrection life of Christ and rejecting any death. Amen! Today we all have a choice: […]

We set our Mind on our Spirit to Enjoy the Tree of Life and Minister Life to others

Every genuine believer in Christ is a miniature garden of Eden, for God as the tree of life is in his spirit and Satan as the tree of knowledge is in his flesh; when we set our mind on the spirit, we enjoy the tree of life and become persons of life. The two trees […]

Stay in the Mingled Spirit: the God of Peace will Crush Satan under our Feet Shortly!

Christ has defeated and destroyed Satan on the cross, we can stand in His victory, and the God of peace will crush Satan under the feet of the built-up local church shortly, as we remain and live in the mingled spirit! Hallelujah! Even though God has judged Satan and condemned him through Christ’s work on […]

Today’s Nazarites Overcome Natural Affection and are Separated from Death

As the Nazarites of today, we need to remain in our separation to be holy to God, overcome natural affection, and be separated from death in any of its forms. In Num. 6 we see that God has made a provision for all His people who want to serve Him that they would consecrate themselves […]

Living and Walking Daily According to the Spirit and not According to the Flesh

We can be only in the spirit or in the flesh – there’s no neutral ground or a third location; when we are walking according to the spirit, we are in spirit, but when we don’t, we are in the flesh. May the Lord continue to have mercy on us that we may see our […]

Experiencing the Outpouring of the Spirit and Being Stirred in our Spirit

In relation to the revival and restoration aspired for by all believers and unbelievers alike, there are many aspects and prayers all throughout the Minor Prophets. One of the most famous yet misinterpreted one is Joel 2:28-29, where God promises to pour out His Spirit upon all His people and revive them. Every day we […]