In order for us to live the Body life today, we need to present our bodies to the Lord and to the Body to be a living sacrifice; even though we are many, yet our service is of the one Body in Christ for the Lord’s satisfaction (Rom. 12:1). This week we have been enjoying […]
We Present our Bodies to the Lord and to the Body to Burn with the Fire from God
Loving God, Stopping ourselves, and Waiting on Him to Cooperate with God in Serving Him

After reading the story of David desiring to build God a house in 2 Sam. 7 we realize that God doesn’t want our initiation but only our cooperation; He wants us to cooperate with Him. God doesn’t need us to do anything for Him – He simply wants us to stop our opinions and ideas […]
God Saved and Sanctifed us to Serve God as Priests: we are a Kingdom of Priests!

God saved us to serve Him: He delivered us from the usurpation of the world so that we may become a kingdom of priests, that we may serve God as priests. We need to see that God saved us to serve Him, and we need to choose to serve God, because if we don’t, by […]
The Blood of the Covenant Enables us to Serve God with the Divine Fire Indwelling us

We praise and thank the Lord for giving us the blood of the covenant to enable us to serve the living God, and we want to allow the fire that comes from God to burn in us and on us in our service to Him. Without the blood of Christ freshly applied to our being, […]
Serving God according to the Vision of God and the Pattern Shown on the Mountain

God saved us and is constantly saving us so that we may serve Him, and we need to serve Him not according to our own natural concept but according to the vision of God and of the pattern shown on the mountain, the vision of God’s economy. The experience of the children of Israel in […]
Experiencing and Ministering the Eternal Life for the Church to be Full of Life

This week I was really encouraged to see that we, as believers in Christ, not only HAVE the eternal life and MAY experience this life, but we also CAN minister this life to other members of the Body of Christ. First, we as children of God have received the divine life of God through our […]
To Minister Life is to have the Outflow of Life through the Exercise of our Spirit

As those who serve the Lord in spirit and in the church, we need to be deeply impressed with the necessity of being able to minister life (see 1 John 5:11-16), that is, to have an outflow of life. What we need in the church life is not more great gifts, talented people, or greater […]