Let’s pray for the Lord to impart into some the desire, the burden, and the commission to serve full time

Dear saints, let us pray that the Lord would impart into some the desire, the burden, and the commission to serve Him full time in a job-dropping way (Matt. 4:18-22). We must know why we serve full time. We must have a burden given by the Lord, not according to our inclination, preference, or choice. […]

The Issue of our Subjective Experience of Christ is the Church Life as a House of Feasting

The issue of our subjective experience of Christ is that He is constituted into us, and we become the church and practice the church life in the church as a house of feasting. Hallelujah for the church life where all the saints enjoy Christ, partake of Christ, experience Christ, and express Christ! It is amazing […]

Let us pray for the trainees to be transformed in their character

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would be transformed in their character to be useful to the Lord in His service (Rom. 12:2; 2 Tim. 2:15, 21; 4:11; Philem. 1:11). We must receive some amount of transformation in what we are in our character. Humanly speaking, our character may have been very much […]

Let us pray for the saints to realize that their sowing the gospel seed is to sow God’s word that conveys God’s life into people

Dear saints, let us pray for the saints would realize that their sowing the gospel seed is their sowing of God’s word that conveys God’s life into people’s spirit for their regeneration (Mark 4:14, 20, 33; Acts 8:4; James 1:21 and note 21-1; 1 Pet. 1:23 and note 23-2). A seed is a container of […]

The Secret to have the Vital-Group Church Life – Feasting on Christ as Peace Offering

As those who enjoy Christ as the peace offering, we need to learn the secret of how to have the vital-group church life as a house of feasting, where Christ and us (His lovers) can have rest and satisfaction. Christ is our peace offering – He is the peace between God and God’s people for […]

Only when we are Built and Coordinated into the Building can we Serve the Lord

As believers in Christ we are both living stones being built up into a spiritual house and a priesthood that is built up and coordinated into the building of God. In Exodus we see that the goal of God delivering His people from Egypt, bringing them across the Red Sea, giving them heavenly food and drink in […]

As those who Serve the Lord we need to See that our Service must Originate from God

As those who love the Lord and desire to serve Him, we need to realize that it is God who should be the source and origin of our service and not us; our service must originate from God. We may desire to do many things for God, we may have the ability to carry them […]