An ambassador of Christ is constrained by the love of Christ and has the sole ambition of being pleasing to God, serving God in spirit and in the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are ambassadors of Christ, those who are determined to be well-pleasing to Christ in all things, being constrained […]
An Ambassador of Christ is Constrained by the Love of Christ and Serves God in Spirit
Being the Consecrated Ones and having a Proper Attitude in Listening to the Lord’s Word

We need to learn from the pattern of Samuel to be faithful to God in what He has given to us and have a proper attitude in listening to the Lord’s word so that we may have His speaking and serve Him according to His divine revelation. May we learn the holy warnings we […]
God is Happy when we Worship Him in Spirit, are One with Him, and Live for God’s Good Pleasure

God is happy when we worship Him in spirit, when we’re one with Him in His ministry to carry out His eternal economy, and when we are glorified; we need to be those in whom, with whom, and through whom God may have His good pleasure! Amen! There are some things that make God happy, […]
Sensing and Seizing the Opportunities to Serve God, do His Will, and Prepare the Bride

Today the Lord needs some who do not waste the opportunities He puts before them but are seizing the opportunities to do God’s will, thus redeeming the time and being the dispensational instrument He desires to gain to turn the age. We need to redeem the time, for the days are evil; to redeem the […]
We need to Serve God according to His Revelation, by Faith, in Response to His Word

Ever since the second generation of man with Cain and Abel, man tried to serve God; Abel offered sacrifices by faith according to God’s revelation in response to His word and according to His way, while Cain served God from himself according to his own will and opinion. Man was created by God in His […]
Not Bringing Anything of our Natural Life or the Flesh in our Service to God

As believers in Christ, we have turned to God from the idols to serve a living and true God (1 Thes. 1:9), and our God is living to us and in us in all the details of our daily living. Now we live under the control, direction, and correction of a living God – and […]
We Serve God in Worship by Preaching the Gospel of God’s Son in our Mingled Spirit

All the requirements related to the believers – as revealed in the New Testament – are met by Christ living in us; in order for us to live the Christian life and serve God in our spirit in the gospel of His Son, we need to daily receive the divine supply. There is no way […]